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Re: Apisto Cactuoides fry

In <Pine.GSO.3.96.970531175927.28616A-100000@homebase>, on 05/31/97 
   at 04:02 PM, Michael W McGrath <mcgrath@citilink.com> said:

>I am feeding them baby brine that I hatch out. My question., Is how
>often to feed them. I figure when the bellies are pink and full
>that means they are filled to the brim with brine.

Well, I have NO Apisto experience since I learned the secret of
feeding larger cichlid fry, but here goes.  Has anyone tried
overfeeding the tank while the eggs are hatching to develop lots of
small crustacea?  And then feeding the adult and watching it chew up
the food for the babies?   I have raised several spawns without ever
feeding the babies anything but adult food.  Has anyone else tried

- -- 

Dave Gomberg, FormMaestro!                     http://www.jcf.com