On 08/22/97 at 01:51 p, IDMiamiBob@aol.com said: >plecos and algae eaters are out because of their >tendency to destroy eggs and other fish I think you will be pleased using Siamese Algae Eaters (SAE, Crossocheilus siamensis, see AFM April'96 page 58 et seq). They are fun to watch, are easy for Apistos to drive off when breeding (I think, anyone have Apisto experience on these?), and clean algae amazingly well (they are the favorites of plant raisers). Read the article and see what you think. To get them, you can try Albany Aquarium (Albany CA). There are a couple of east coast suppliers as well. Let me know if you need more info. - -- Dave Gomberg, FormMaestro! http://www.wcf.com gomberg@wcf.com