I just got a group of Apistogramma sp. "Sunset." Has anyone had any success breeding these yet? I'd appreciate any insights. The fish looks similar to A. norberti, but males have orange bellies and males and females show barring along the base of the dorsal fins. Very pretty fish, a recent addition to the A. nijsseni complex. The fish I have are far less shy than A. norberti, which is the most retiring Apisto I've seen yet. The Sunsets are not as outgoing as nijsseni and A. sp. "pandurini," but they swim in the open, unlike norbeti, which always darts for cover when I'm in the room. I'd guess that Sunsets want very soft, very acid water, but I'd be interested if anyone has practical experience to offer. I've successfully spawned nijsenni and pandurini but have so far struck out with A. norberti. Pete Johnson Apple Computer petej@apple.com Senior Editor apple.com Home Page (408) 974-2481