Frank, I just came back from a collecting trip in Peru. Our collection sites were around the Rio Nanay, Rio Tahuayo, and close to the Iquitos-Nauta Highway. We found A. cactuoides, A. eunotus, and A. cruzi in a aquaculture pond used for raising Pacu. A creek used to run through that area but they built a dam there and all 3 species got trapped. The only reason we stopped there was to get A. cruzi. This pond was in the wide open and the water temperature at the time of collection reached 93.4 F. This was the only open sun area were we found Apistos. We collected A. sp. "Sunset", A. norberti, and A. sp. "Pandurini" in shady forested areas (different locations) with temps. ranging from 76 F to 83 F. Julio