On Sun, 2 Nov 97 Rick Gomes wrote Also, I took a look at someone's recent suggestion on "AnchorBayAquarium's" site and they seem to have some great prices on wild caught Dwarfs. Does anyone have any experience with these guys? Rick, I personally work with Anchor Bay Aquarium. I take care of a lot of his maintanence accounts. I am in the store at least 3 times a week. Regarding fish in general Casey is very knowlegdable about how to take care of them. He carries a wide assortment of Dwarf cichlids. Yesterday, He still has healthy Dicrossus filamentosus, A. gibbiceps,pertensis, sp. "Pandurini" nice adult breeding size pairs, possible pulchra or gephyra?, sp. "Rotpunkt", A few others too. He takes alot of time and effort to make his stock healthy for his customers. Well worth the call for info and quality wild fish period.Tell them I sent you. Hope this helps a little, Phillip J. Ryti rytireefs@juno.com