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Re: Fwd: Looking for a

> >have heard that I don't want to mix some types of Apistos togethter for 
> fear 
> >of hybridization.
I don't believe this is very likely although you may get a 
partnerless male courting a female of the wrong species.

>  Which Apistos/Dwarfs (I like P. Altospinoza too) can 
> I put 
> >together safely?  I definately want A. Juruensis and A. Cacatouides 
I would tend to keep species that are not so closely 
related in the same tank.  To me juruensis looks to like 
cacatuoides and serious fighting may occur.  Try then to 
get species that are not too alike. Say for example 
juruensis and nijsseni.  An apisto should almost ignore the 
M (P?).altispinosa.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Ken Laidlaw
Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
Tel: 0131-668 8100
Fax: 0131-668 1130
Web: http://www.roe.ac.uk