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Re: water question

>>>>> "LW" == Lisa Wrischnik <wrisch@uclink4.berkeley.edu> writes:

    LW> I know that companies like "Culligan" will set you up with a
    LW> water softener that replaces cations with sodium, but I have
    LW> been told that these companies can also set up a DI system
    LW> that replaces with H+ and OH- (the guy I'm married to has one
    LW> of these to give him DI in his lab). May be worth the initial
    LW> investment for some people (I think maybe $300 to get started
    LW> and then paying for the replacement tanks every so often -
    LW> depending on your local hardness conditions).  I can find out
    LW> more if anyone really cares ;).

Lisa, I've never heard of this before.  Could you tell me more?

- -Carlos 
- --
Carlos E. Munoz             Crystal Semiconductor Products Division
cmunoz@crystal.cirrus.com   Cirrus Logic, Inc.  Work:(512)912-3126
"Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur."