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Re: tetras (as tankmates)

Erik Olson wrote:
>  Really?  I tried that approach, keeping a school of Congo tetras with a
> pair of Kribs.  Never had a succesful spawn in several months.  The month
> I finally got rid of them all & replaced them with rummies and neons,
> BOOM.  Monthly spawns.
>    - Erik

I just had my Pelvicachromis (but not pulcher) spawn with the rare
yellow-fined congo tetra.  The cichlids had no problem keeping the
congo's at bay.  They even made one congo jump out :-(

Perhaps the size of the tanks make a difference.  In a twenty or
smaller, the Congo's would be boxed in and thus the cichlids could feel
uneasy.  In something as large as a fifty-five, I couldn't see the
Congo's doing any harm.

But perhaps the size of the congo's can make some dwarf's nervous. 
Anyway, Steve's intent is to do a biotope tank so he needs African
"dithers" to round out the tank.  (I think biotopes are worthy of their
effort.)  I agree that there are better African species (than Congo's)
for his purpose, but getting these is a different story.  I felt the
Congo's would be better than the two shy species which prefer the lower
part of my tanks.

- --Randy