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Re: tetras (as tankmates)

On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Randy or Deb Carey wrote:
> I think the tetras you mentioned would not be the best choices with the
> dwarf cichlids.  My experience with them is that they are shy
> (particularly B. jae). The Congo's may get large, but they are docile. 
> Pelvicachromis, and particularly Nanachromis, will have no problem
> keeping Congo's under control.

Really?  I tried that approach, keeping a school of Congo tetras with a
pair of Kribs.  Never had a succesful spawn in several months.  The month
I finally got rid of them all & replaced them with rummies and neons,
BOOM.  Monthly spawns.

   - Erik

- ---
Erik D. Olson					         amazingly, at home