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cRAzY mOm!

For the last hour or so I have been watching my 30g planted tank from the
comfy Lazy Boy chair that somehow moved from in front of the Tv
to the tank. Now this is truely relaxing, toss in a beer and some music
and I feel about stress free as it can get. Oddly enough I am worried
about my adult female Apisto. cacatuoides. She is at the front of the
glass, gills flared out, colors changing by the minute and those
occassional roundhouse tail swings at get this, NOTHING!
	She is pretty plump, few more days she will be ready to spawn.
Last Friday she laid about 40 eggs and ran off to play while someone
else ate the eggs! Anyways, is she going loco, or just reacting to her
reflection in the glass? Could this be stressful enough to prevent her 
from spawning? I've never seen her do this, though it is pretty cool.
	Anywas thank in advance,Have a happy Turkey Day!

