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Re: tetras (as tankmates)

Hi all

Regarding the Congo tetras I'd agree with Randy. My
P. taeniatus "Moliwe", still being quite small, seem
to have no prob with the big fish, even at feeding time.
My very shy Ch. guntheri managed just fine when I had
them in there as well.

If tetras is a must, the number of choices is limited.
Hemigrammopetersius. caudalis is an excellent one. I haven't
tried the Neolebias species so no comment.

If tankmates, in general, is the question, I'd turn to
killies. The Lampeyes, which someone already mentioned, are
the African equivalent of smaller, schooling tetras. The
Procatopus-species are generally harder to keep end breed
than the Aplocheilichthys, as well as harder to come by.
They are very cool and a good match.

Smaller Epiplatys and Aphyosemion work as well. I have had
Epiplatys with SA and WA dwarfs without any
problems. Certain species of Epiplatys may be inappropriate
(generally the larger ones) because they're predators.
I've had Ep. chaperi, dageti, grahami, lamottei and singa
with great success (roloffi with no success...).
They hang out just below the surface and are good
dithers for really shy dwarfs (and they are easy to keep
and breed!!).

Aphyosemions are extremely colourful killies, mid water
level swimmers. Many of the smaller species will work just
fine. They have more colour and are more lively than the
Epiplatys. Aph gabunense, striatum, bivittatum, australe
should work fine,

If the tank is big enough, why not a few Epiplatys at the
top and a school of H. caudalis for the middle???


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Saab Ab 
Flutter and Loads Department
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