Julio and Bill and all..... Wasn't A.sp"pandurini" and A. panduro just announced in the Bunt. Barsh. (I'm sorry for that spelling!!!) Cichlid Magazine from Germany as beimg the same?????? Not to upstage Julio.....just to back Julio up!!! I read it in the B.B. that Uwe Romer has now "offically" named sp"pandurini" as A. panduro. By the way....I think in the same article they mentioned a colloetor or someone whose name was "?????" Panduro..... I assume the fish was named after him. I'll get the article and post the facts on the list.....it'll take me a couple of days because the magazine is not mine.......I should join :-)!!! Have a good day!!! Pete Johnson....."....phone home".....haven't heard from you in a while and I lost your e-mail address.....I've got a couple of fish questions for you! Mike Jacobs