Mike, Thanks for the info, I have a couple of things to add after looking over some old photographs of A.nijsseni which I hope may help. > Caudal Peduncle......nijsseni has no spot and the panduro has a triangle > when it is settled and comfortable in the tank. Male A.nijsseni do have a spot (round) on the caudal penduncle, it seems to be more visible on younger specimens though > Female........nijsseni...lateral spot is large and splotch-like and has > a cheek splotch as well. Panduro has a lateral spot that is not > terribly large, compared to a nijsseni......panduro female has a cheek > stripe that is definatly not a splotch. Female nijsseni have a distinct black spot on the caudal peduncle. The photograph on Erik Olson's page of the female panduro does not show a spot. What a beautiful fish that is. Another feature of panduro is the extensive area of black along the underside of the body between the head and the middle of the body. > I thought there was a mistake.....no "black > triangles"........3 days later I was there and they were calmed down and > the black triangle on the males was OBVIOUS! My friend has a pair of panduro, I'll check out that triangular spot. Ken.