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Re: cold fish

Hi Gary.  We are fellow survivors here in small town Eastern Ontario
although we live in the town and the longest we went without power was a
48hr. stretch.  There are many people in surrounding townships still without
power. Glad to hear you made it - sorry about the fish that didn't.

I don't have apistos yet and have been whining long and loud about how they
are so hard to come by in my area.  Now I guess I'm glad I hadn't gotten
any - I would have been real upset to lose them after working so hard to get
them.  I am relatively new to the fish hobby and had just had the first
successful spawn of Angels in my tank.  They were free swimming for a week
when *the ice hit the fan*.  They didn't make it but all adults did and
*amazingly* are fanning a new batch of eggs as I type this.


- -----Original Message-----
From: Frauley/Elson <fraulels@minet.ca>
To: apisto list <apisto@majordomo.pobox.com>
Date: Wednesday, January 14, 1998 11:28 AM
Subject: cold fish

>Hi all,
>I just survived the great ice storm of 1998 (7 sub-zero days with no
>power or heat).
                            > >>>> SNIP<<<<<<
Gary (disgruntled in Montreal)
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