Recently I got a pair of A.cruzi. I can not find any specific information on keeping them. The only thing I found is what they belong to A.regini (sp?) group. And sales person (very good one) said they are "hardy". So far, it looks like they do not like a lot of light - coming out mostly in the dim light (then the lights in the room are on, but tank's are off) - is it because they are new (a week) in here or this is their normal behavior, and if it is so what should I do with plants? What are the best conditions for keeping and breeding A.cruzi? Why they are not so popular - do they have some negative trait what makes them undesirable? I have some neons and pristellas as dithers, but they did not succeed in keeping Cruzi out. Male and female have separate hiding places - male in coconut shell, female under the filter, although I have also clay pot. Some plants (not a lot, but I am planning to add more). 10g, pH 5.6-5.7, no heating (I think about summer - soon here will be 85-90F room temperature without any heater). What I can improove and how to make them spawn (they are about 2.5 inches long) Thank you for advice Lilia