tom, thanks so much for the posting on moving your fish. what a major enterprise! i hope to move sometime soon (within new york) and your post certainly helped me a lot in terms of planning for it. i assume that you didn't have many fish to transport, though. in answer to your question about rift lake cichlids, i think they are very tough and adaptable. in new york, the water is of very good quality, soft and close to neutral, but it is not adequate to fish to from hard and alkaline waters. however, i was told that a breeder in long island breeds tanganykans in our water without any additives. for some of my livebearers and rainbowfishes, i've added oyster and clam shells (that i brought home from restaurants after dining out). the shells have increased pH and hardness and added buffering capacity to those tanks. btw, Pseudotropheus auratus is not a dwarf. there are however many dwarf cichlids in lake tanganyka (Neolamprologus --which include the colorful daffodils and leleupis-- and Lamprologus, shell-dwelling beauties, for example) that would make a great community tank. tsuh yang chen, new york city