Hi Ed, being careful is the way and the reason why i asked for bad experiences. My experiences: I've seen no fast and low pH drops in the test tank (measuring is done twice a day- morning and evening). pH decreased from 7.0 before using CO2 to 6.5 in the morning within 4 days and stays constant. KH stays at the level of 5 °DKH. Plants and fish seem to like it (algae not :-) ). No danger of poisoning with sulfur if using pure white sugar and only a minimum size of yeast (1 or 2 g of dry yeast). The main point and the only problem is foaming - must leave enough headspace in the bottle. The pressure is quite constant at a certain level - that's the main difference to using club soda. I use as recommended a wooden air stone near to the bottom of the tank (makes very fine bubbles). In addition to your coffee tetra i've heard about useful addition of tea in breeding of Congo tetras (Phenacogrammus interruptus). That tea makes the water nearly bacteria free. Thomas