>>This suddenly seems so confusing.<< My brain hurts!!! I'm no expert so I won't venture too far in giving advice. But I would at the very least get the cory out immediately or you may not have any eggs to worry about. Take out the tetras for good measure. As for the rest... I dunno. A 29 sounds awfully tight for three protective mothers and a proud papa. Others with more experience will correct me where I'm wrong, but here's a shot. I'd take pap out too. That leave the females to tend to the eggs. Once the fry become free swimming, I'd take the moms out too and rear the fry in the 29. You might leave one mom in to act as surrogate mother to the other two broods. Of course, this assumes that it's okay to allow the fry from three separate females to intermix. Because your male has a deformation that my be a genetic trait, you might want to consider keeping the fry separate so you can track ratios of the deformity, if it reappears, with the different females. If so, and if tank space is at a premium (that goes without saying <g>), you might try dividing the tank with plexiglass to keep the segregated. Hmm... This is interesting. Bill Vannerson http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/william_vannerson