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Re: another worthwhile idea (correction)

There's been a lot of legal wrangling recently over whether someone has the
right to link to someone else's web site without permission; see
http://www.netscapeworld.com/nw-06-1997/nw-06-bestpract.html.  The biggest
blast came last year when Ticketmaster sued Microsoft over it.  The safest
thing is to just ask.

I know, this seems silly in the context of fish sites, but I live just
outside Washington D.C. and lawyers scare me.

- --Mark

- -----Original Message-----
From: Randy or Deb Carey <carey@spacestar.net>
To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com <apisto@majordomo.pobox.com>
Date: Monday, February 23, 1998 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: another worthwhile idea (correction)

>Doug Brown wrote:
>> If you're willing to administer it it's worth a try! Randy rightfully
>> reminded me about copyright issues of copying photos to a site and you
>> shouldn't link to sites without their permission.
>Clarification:  I feel it is alright to link to a web site as a whole site,
>if the owner of the site doesn't want you to do it). What is published on
the web
>is public and available for public viewing.  (For example, I doubt "Web
>that Suck" gets permission for what they post:
>However, I don't think it is right to link in a picture from a sight and
use it
>as if it is yours.
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