To whomever can help, I currently have 6 pairs of A. gibbiceps set up, each in a 15 gallon aquarium, well planted, with sponge filter, dither fish (tetras mostly), and RO water (quite soft, pH about 6.0). Not a single pair is spawning, and they've been running for over 6 months. However, a 'spare' pair in my 33 gal 'leftover' tank has had 3 batches of eggs. There are misc. other fishes from other breeding groups (west african dwarf cichlids, etc., in there, snails, algae eaters, etc., and something keeps eating the eggs overnight (maybe even nevous Mom), so I've never had any fry. The water's the same RO water as the 15 gals. The 'spare' gibbiceps lay eggs on rocks or between the leaves of a large sword plant. There are rocks, plants, and even ceramic stovepipes in the 15 gals. Why aren't the 'breeders' doing so? Canadian Forest Service Northern Forestry Centre 5320-122st. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6H 3S5