- --35931.41946.3079 Content-Type: text/plain Steph, vinegar eels are available from "Pisces" livefood supplies in Australia. I generally use baby brine shrimp for apisto and other dwarf cichlid fry (with occasional feedings of vinegar eels) with pretty good results. As the fry get bigger, I add in some small whiteworms to their diet. (The problem I find with vinegar eels is that they tend to head for the top of the tank very quickly. I therefore tend to use them more for surface dwelling fry rather than as a staple for very young apisto fry.) Keith Canberra,Australia ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: Easy live foods Author: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com (caligula@curie.dialix.com.au) at HRM_DCC Date: 15/5/98 19:20 From my reading but not personal experince I would have to agree that vinegar eels seem the easiest. Anyone know of a source is Australia?? I asked at a LFS and drew a blank look, never even heard of 'em. Steph - --35931.41946.3079--