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Re: Apologies, Well Sort of.

That was not an apology.  That was an "I'm right, you're wrong.  Nyah
Nyah!" message.  You say you flamed everyone in order to inject life in
the group.  I wonder if that's how you carry on conversations with people
in real life.  Though there are the periodic arguments here, this mailing
list is not like the newsgroups.  You would have been more succesful if
you'd started by mentioning exotic Apistos you were interested in. As it
is, you have merely made a bunch of enemies and are now going to go away
and sulk.

The Internet is by no means a perfect medium in which to sell fish.
Shipping is expensive, you do not get to see the fish you are buying, and
you still cannot get every fish you want.  I have only ever seen one brood
of A. steindachneri for sale, and that was a local store selling the
offspring of a hobbyist's fish.

It is too bad you will not be sticking around to learn from the experts
here, and it is also too bad you hadn't read some of the back articles
from the list before speaking. My wife and I have gone from knowing zilch
about Apistos to spawning a dozen or so species during the lifetime of
this list. The first one WE did was cacatuoides, from hobbyist-bred stock.
We've also done other "beginner" types (rotpunkt/Puerto Narino,
steindachneri).  Also played with several mystery types, and always gotten
great help here on identifying and breeding them.  I regularly save
several posts a week on new species, fry rearing techniques, strange pH
experiments, etc.  Members of this list were priveliged to get early
copies of the Mayland & Bork book via Mike Evans, and it was one of our
members who forwarded concerns about the photos in it to the authors & got
them to respond directly.  This is a pretty cool list.

One side note: Several people who are common contributors here and
elsewhere started out as pains in the ass to the existing membership, and
that has usually been due to lack of communication or experience with the
new group of people.  The new person has an opinion or bias or "I know the
correct way to ..." They make the mistake of saying it very loudly and
the group comes down on them like a ton of bricks, which depending on the
person, might make them say it louder ("You didn't hear what I said!").
This can take several iterations before things calm down.  Perhaps this is
another one of those situations.

   - Erik

ObApisto:  Did Kathy or I mention we got our bitaeniata to spawn
recently?  Very interesting: for the first 1-2 weeks, the female guarded
them, but now the male has taken over and is beating the female up &
chasing her to the corner.  He is also doing a very good job at caring for
the fry.

On Mon, 24 Aug 1998 rvitko@ix.netcom.com wrote:

[stuff deleted]
> Well, thats it, I leave it where it is and will unsubscribe, my
> apologies to anyone I offended.  My appreciation to all the serious
> collectors and hobbyists I hope you'll just consider me a short lived
> pain in the ass.

Erik D. Olson						amazingly, at my own domain.
erik at thekrib.com (fails? try eriko at wrq.com)

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