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Re: D. filamentosus

My friend has recently bred this species.  They were in a 
16x8x8 tank decorated with a fine sand substrate, java 
moss, an amazon sword and a clay saucer.  He also had a 
peat bag in the tank to lower the pH.

The water was about pH 5 when thay spawned.  The male was 
removed post spawning, maybe not required in a largertank.  
We do not know where the eggs were laid as we never saw 

When the fry were free swimming he fed them first with 
micro-worms and then bbs.  The female was left with the fry 
for about three weeks.  They are still growing well.

The male was about 7cmTL, the female 5.

I also had a go with them but sadly the male contracted 
dropsy and died soon after the move to my tank.

Hope this helps,

Ken Laidlaw
UK Astronomy Technology Centre
Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
Web: http://www.roe.ac.uk

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