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Re: Hydra

IDMiamiBob@aol.com wrote:

> Jason writes:
> << Just read something about hydra needing live food to survive-and that if
> you
>  switch food for a few days they are easily kept under control.
>  Jason >>
> Nope.  For this I can vouch.  I discovered hydra long before I discovered any
> kind of live or even frozen food.  The live food they feed on is the normal
> protozoan life in every healthy tank.  UGF and Sponge filters will spit out
> enough bacteria to support a large colony of hydra without a problem.
> Fluke tabs work, and so will certain gouramies, though I can't remember off
> hand which ones to recommend.

The 3-spot gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus, eats hydra, but only as a last
resort. Definitely not a good fish to put in a tank full of dwarf cichlid fry!

Mike Wise

> Bob Dixon
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