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Re: Pelvicachromis Taeniatus Lobe

Geo/Len wrote:
> Good Day to everyone
> Just pick up a pair of  Pelvicachromis Taeniatus Lobe today . Are Lobe
> breeding requirements  the same as other Pelvicachromis  ??
> Also what are  Pelvicachromis Taeniatus  cross river????
> George
Lobe needs soft, acid water - detials are in Linke. I spawned them at
70ppm, pH of around 6.5, if I remember correctly.
Cross River is a nice fish, from the Cameroons/Nigeria border. They
sometimes come with P. sp "sacrimontis". They're a green/yellow taenie.
A nice fish, but not one of the nicest taeniatus. As taeniatus go,
they're just nice.
As far as I know, they were a 1997 importation to Canada, although they
may have been in the States and certainly were in Europe long before

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