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Re: Lyreate tail


Closed & open lyre tails are just my descriptions for the two types found on
apistos. Usually I use broad & narrow lyre tails. An open, or broad, lyre tail is
the same as what the German authors call double tipped. This is basically a
squared off tail with extension at the top and bottom. Examples are: A.
steindachneri, A. cacatuoides, and some A. macmasteri. A closed, or narrow, lyre
tail is a round or oval tail with extension more toward the middle edge of the
fin. Examples are: A. uaupesi, A. gibbiceps, A. mendezi, and A. elizabethae
(until it grows together to form a spade shaped tail).

As for spines, this requires some definitions for fish fins. Fins are made up of
bones and fleshy membrane material. Spines are fin bones that are heavier and do
not branch. Rays, on the other hand, are finer bones that have a branch that
forks off of the main bony section. These are listed in scientific description in
this manner:

D. XIV.7  A. III.6

This means that the dorsal fin has 14 spines (unbranching) & 7 rays (branching)
and the anal fin has 3 spines & 6 rays. Spines and rays don't "stick out" of the
fin unless there is a bad case of fin rot. Sometimes there are spines with their
associated lappets that extend above the rest of the fin, however.

There is fleshy membrane found between the bones. Lappets are membranes that
extend above and back from the bones (spines and rays) (e.g.. A. cacatuoides, A.
sp. Breitbinden, and A. macmasteri). Other fish have lappets fused together to
form a sail like fin (e.g.. A. pertensis, A. uaupesi, & A. iniridae). Fish with
low, even, dorsals (e.g.. A. agassizii, A. regani, & A. nijsseni) don't have

Mike Wise

Mayalauren@aol.com wrote:

> Mike,
> Could you explain the difference between an open and closed lyre tail, if
> there is on?
> Also when talking about spines, I just want be sure that they are the ones
> that "stick out" of the fin.
> Jason
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