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Re: Sex ratio

On Sun, 18 Oct 1998 IDMiamiBob@aol.com wrote:

> Lilia writes:
> > Now I see that in each tank, 
> >  the biggest fish is a male, and all rest fish are females! - about 30-40 
> >  females in each tank. Is it a coincendence or, like discus, rams have a 
> >  mechanism by which the dominant male repress the development of other 
> >  males?
> Apistos are well-known to have "sneaker males", smaller fish which masquerade
> as females to avoid the attentions of the dominant male.
> Bob Dixon

Hi Bob,
These are *not* sneaker males, as they have pink bellies, egg tubes and 
laying eggs like crazy. The male is pretty busy with them now, spending 
only a day or two with each. I do not take seriously their first matings 
and do not remove eggs and they are eaten after a day. After the first 
round I plan attempts to raise fry. In my experience, ram male can not 
serve more than 3 females, any other experiences? So, I plan to keep both 
males and small harems for them.


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