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I'm a apisto fan , and I live in Taiwan. Right now I'm study Zoology
in the Taiwan University. 
I've about 50 tanks , about 25 sp. and I've reproduced most of them .
Right now I'm working on  A. elizabethae.
It's hard for me to find information about apisto here in my country.
The only book I can get is Linke's and Bork's (by Amazon.com).
I have search all the library in my country and I can only find "one"
origional paper about definding new sp .I found that lots of  papers are
on Zoologica Scripta, and I can not find this Jurnal in Taiwan.  
Anybody could tell me how to find the information through internet,
or anybody can copy those papers refer to apisto for me! PLEASE!
People here in my country only now how to breed them , nobody care
how to ID them scientifically . The dealer may some times cheat us.
About a month ago , a dealer sold A. aff. juruensis as A. juruensis.
I've seen REAL A. juruensis before so I know that is a fake one , but
the ID is based on my experience , it's not so reliable . Could any body
tell me How to ID aff. with the real one?
Sorry for my poor English.........
William Wang (Taiwan)