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Fry Survival

This subject has most likely been beaten to death but I am having
problems raising my fry. At present I have 5 schools of fry.
1  A. Resticulso-free swimming today
1 A. Caucatoides-free swimming today
3 A. Borelli- free swimming 3 days
I have killed off numerous batches of fry and I try something a little
different each time. This time I have gotten that egg-layer food mush
that you add to the tank. I mix into a small cup of water and then aim
it at the fry with an eyedropper. I also have used frozen BBS. I keep
well-aged sponges in the tanks and even use java moss and java ferns to
give them something to nibble on. So far all I have managed to raise are

2 A. Cauc. out of 6 -8 spawns of these fish. I normally do 10-15% water
changes daily altho I have tried 10% twice daily and also none at all.
When I feed them the food seems to go to the bottom, usually 2-3 drops
per school, unless it's a really big school. I leave mom and pop in the
tank and that doesn't seem to be a problem altho with the Borelli I have

3 females that all spawned at the same time in a 15G tank. The Cauc. are

in a 20L and the Resticulosa are in a15G also. They are all in species
tanks with no dithers. will I be better off tryong to separate the fry
from the parents as I am tired of killing off the little guys. Should I
switch to microworms or some other type of FW live food that I can
maintain in the tank ?? I feed the adults heavily on black worms and
they all are doing great but Iam really disgusted with myself for not
getting right yet even tho I read all I can and try to apply as much as
possible. I haven't hatched my own BS yet and that is next on my list of

things to do. I read about feeding them de-encapsulated eggs also,
opinions on that ?? Will someone plz help.
Sorry for the long post but I am really getting fustrated as the same is

happening to my Angels and my Cory Cats that I manage to spawn. :(

Gareth Casey

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