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Re: Pelvicachromis scarimontis

Frauley/Elson wrote:

> Geo/Len wrote:
> >
> > Good evening to everyone
> >
> > Just pick up a pair of  Pelvicachromis scarimontis today. Have them in a
> > 20 gallon, ph 6.6
> >
> > Do these  Pelvicachromis,  breed the same way, as regular Kribs ???
> >
> > George
> George, It's P. sp sacrimontis.

I submitted the question of  on the validity of the name Pelvicachromis
sacrimontis to the scientific community on the CICHLID-L mail list. From the
responses I got it is presently considered nomen triviale (a common name) and is
properly called by its previous common names Pv. sp. aff. pulcher or Giant
Krib.(Sorry I didn't get back to you before this.)

> I haven't sorted out their water needs -

Back in 1984 I spawned both color forms at pH 6.5 and got about 90% females.
Loiselle, in a 1979 FAMA article, recommended a pH around 6.3 for 50/50 ratios.
My experience was with 6 wild caught fish. I found that they weren't overly
aggressive to their partner, but didn't like other cichlids in their tank. I kept
my pairs in 29 gallon high tanks (30x12"/75x30cm base) with lots of rock work and
few plants. My dither fish were 4 mature (3"/75cm) Congo Tetras and an large
Australian Rainbowfish (4"/10cm). The dither fish were kept at the top of the
tank but otherwise never harmed. The parents were all exemplary; the males doing
most of the territorial defense and the females doing most of the fry rearing.

Mike Wise

> I'd say soft. The fish are fiercely aggressive, especially male to
> female, and much more difficult than any aquarium krib I've kept.
> -Gary
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