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Newbie with fry

Hi everyone,
Thank you for your support in the past and I was hoping to get more information. I have 12 Nijsseni fry from my first clutch.  They vary in size.  Some are almost an half inch long and some are 3/16 of an inch.  I have them in a 2.5 gal with a sponge filter and a 25 watt heater.  They eat frozen shrimp and seem to be thriving.  What I'd like to know is when will I be able to sex them?  They all look alike.  Should I move them to   a 10 gal to speed up their growth?
 Should I acquire another pair to breed so that I can pair off the fry from different fish or do I pair off the fry from the same clutch? This seems to  lean towards in-breeding in my mind.  I don't know how that works.  If I did pair off the fry from the same clutch,will this weaken the strain?
Also does anyone out there have a source in MD,VA, or DC for female curviceps?