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Re: Life-spans and spawnings

I've been watching an astonishing apisto-phenomenon for a few months. I
have a pair of Apisto agassizii Alenquer that are now on their 19th
spawn. The first 15 came at 10 to 15 day intervals (!), were tiny, and
were eaten. If I gave the female whiteworms, she spawned. Suddenly, she
started raising fry, and has slowed down. She's a robust, busy
individual. It's the male who looks worried.
I've never managed to get njisseni past two spawnings - no matter how
good they look, one of them dies. The same for panduro. Cacatuoides have
gone up to six or seven spawnings for me, before the male usually gets
P. pulcher went for two years of breeding for me. Tell your friend to
get a small heated river.
Interestingly, for all the spawnings, my Alenquer have only raised two
broods so far. BTW, for those who like agas, this population is
astonishing. I highly reccomend grabbing some if they show up in your
part of the world.
> A couple of months back, Mary Bailey (just love her) wrote in "Practical
> Fishkeeping" that apistos spawn once or twice.  She did not specify if this
> was only in the wild or in an aquarium.
> I acquired my female Borellii almost exactly one year ago.  At that time she
> was an adult, but she did grow another 30% in size.  Since that time and up
> until October she has spawned 8 times.  She raised three broods
> successfully, ate two when they were about one month old (can't blame her,
> tank was crowded and she spawned again), the rest I cannot account for
> because I moved her into a large community tank and I saw fry, but they
> disappeared over time.
> Since October she has not spawned.  Has she reached "fish menopause"?  She
> is eating normally still, but she does not look as sleek as before.
> What I would like to know is: What is the expected lifespan of these fish if
> they are properly kept and eat a good diet?
> As an aside, my cousin Alex, whose computer I hijack regularly, and who is
> being deluged by Kribs, would like someone to let him know about how many
> times these fish spawn.  Pretty soon he is going to have to set up his bath
> tub and shower at my place.  Either that or take my advice and _separate_
> the "love birds".
> Dr. Momfish

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