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RE: true flying foxes

One quick question...  I've never heard the term "para-ottos".  Is it a
different breed of ottocinclus (sp)?



> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Mike Downey [SMTP:windwalker%uky.campuscw.net@internet.kraft.com]
> Sent:	Tuesday, February 02, 1999 6:27 PM
> To:	apisto%majordomo.pobox.com@internet.kraft.com
> Subject:	true flying foxes
> When looking for the true "flying fox", crossocheilus siamensis, look for
> the ones with the dark lateral line that extends through the caudil fin.
> Sometimes the young ones are hard to ditinguish.  They will get quite
> large, I have 2 in a 75 gal that the lighter built one is 5" and the heavy
> bodied one is 6". I started out with 4 and they fought so much that I had
> to separate down to these which I think are a pair. They did eat algae for
> some time, but now prefer the regular fish fare in the tank.
> The best algae eaters that I have found are some para-ottos that I got
> from
> Julio Melgal.
> They are at it ALL the time.
> MikeD
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