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A. sp. Rio Malomé

Charles & Vern,

I think you have a new species here that's not been published anywhere. I even
asked Marco Lacerda about the Rio Malomé. The spelling is more like Portuguese
(Brazil) than Spanish (rest of South America) so I went to a native Brazilian.
Here is what he wrote:

Mike Wise wrote:

> Have you ever heard of the Rio Malomé? A couple of people have
> gotten a fish called Apistogramma sp. Rio Malomé (or just Malomé). ...

Marco Lacerda wrote:

>I have looked in a book with all toponyms names (including small rivers
>+ towns), and there is NO RIO MALOME. I think it is very likely
>mispelling of Rio Mamoré, which you know for their Apistos.
>Recently there are some Japanese fish exporters in Brazil (Goiás) and in
>Japanese language there is no difference between the sounds "re" and
>"le". So Japanese exporters call the river Rio MamoLé instead of MamoRé.
>And from there seems to be easy to have a change on the silables.
>Pls look at the fish, and let me know.

Now I'm going to make some wild guesses. From Vern's description (we corresponded
on this privately late last month), I guessed it was a member of the
eunotus-complex of the regani-group. But if this fish actually comes from the Rio
Mamoré, it's unlikely to be a eunotus-complex fish They come from the Peruvian
and western Brazilian Amazon. It may be a regani-complex fish. Marco collected a
regani-complex fish in the Rio Jaru, a tributary of the upper Rio Madeira, like
the Rio Mamoré. I may be the same or a similar species. There are also several
resticulosa-complex fish in this area, too. It may be one of them. Like Marco, I
would really like to see a picture of this fish.

Mike Wise

Charles Ray wrote:

> >From: "Vern Wensley" <vernwen@home.com>
> >Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 12:35:56 -0800
> What I would like to find out is if >anyone has heard the name,A.sp.rio malomé.
> They are not A.mamoré. I have some of them and they are a
> >different fish. Any information anyone has would be of great help.

Charles Ray wrote:

> Vern, I also have this fish.  I posed a similar question to the group on
> January 9th without any response other than asking if I didn't have sp. rio
> mamore.  I bought 6 fish.  The fish are growing quickly, largest male is
> 1-1/2 inches, largest female 3/4.  I have had a successful spawn in soft
> water with pH slightly less than 6. Female is raising brood of about 20 in
> 15 gallon tank with regular feedings of brine shrimp.  I have not yet been
> impressed with colors.  Male is showing red color to rounded tail. Other
> than that not much color, at least not yet.  There is a distinct spot on
> base of caudal fin. Males typically show a distinct lateral band that ends
> some distance prior to caudal spot.  No evidence of any other patterns on
> body except hint of a line of spots along base of dorsal fin (dorsal
> blotches in Mayland & Bork). Breeding male shows little or no evidence of
> either marking and caudal spot is much subdued.  There does seem to be some
> evidence of blue body color.  Female does tolerate male in relatively close
> proximity to fry (3") and when female leaves to chase conspecifics in tank
> male seems to assume protective stance immediately above fry.  This
> spawning surprised me and the tank is supplied with large number of beech
> leaves into which conspecifics have retreated.  These fish seem especially
> intolerant of conspecifics, female will race the length of the tank to
> attack a conspecific that allows itself to be visible.  I would like more
> information as well, which species group does it belong with, does male
> develop more color with age, how large do they grow, from where do they
> originate.  Maybe Mike Wise can check his Xmas map of South America to see
> if he can find Rio Malome.  I also called the seller who wasn't sure if
> spelling might be Rio Malowe.

> Still waiting on my Apisto-Gram
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