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Re: A. sp. Rio Malomé

Mike & Diane Wise wrote:

> Now I'm going to make some wild guesses. From Vern's description (we corresponded
> on this privately late last month), I guessed it was a member of the
> eunotus-complex of the regani-group. But if this fish actually comes from the Rio
> Mamoré, it's unlikely to be a eunotus-complex fish They come from the Peruvian
> and western Brazilian Amazon. It may be a regani-complex fish. Marco collected a
> regani-complex fish in the Rio Jaru, a tributary of the upper Rio Madeira, like
> the Rio Mamoré. I may be the same or a similar species. There are also several
> resticulosa-complex fish in this area, too. It may be one of them. Like Marco, I
> would really like to see a picture of this fish.

The Apistogramma sp. from Rio Jaru was also examined by Sven Kullander, 
who told me they are identical to a species he had already seen from the 
vicinity of Guajará-Mirim (the main river there is Rio Mamoré). So I 
think this information reinforces Mike's suposition.

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