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Re: Nitrates vs. DOCs

From: Bob Dixon
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 1999 5:24 AM

> The recent thread got me to thinking-  If DOcs are indeed a factor in
> growth rates, then carbon filtering should make a difference...

DOC levels would indeed be affected by the use of activated carbon, but this
isn't the sole focus of the development process. My recent statement of

...I tend to think of waste pollution as being more easily attributible than
hormones. I consider dirty water as the root cause of the ichthyological
version of "blue baby syndrome"...

was intended to focus more on nitrogenous wastes than on DOCs, although the
poorly-worded post as a whole may be misleading. These nitrogen-containing
compounds have an effect on everything from oxygen transportation to nerve
and tissue development. The end results are observable as poor nerve
development - especially where high oxygen consumption is a factor, as with
eye and vision development, some circulatory components and autonomic
nervous systems - body deformities and stunted growth, suffocation and
outright loss. That's why I compared it to "blue baby".

> ...Does anyone know of a way to monitor carbon to know when it is
> nearing the end of its useful life and is ready for replacement?

As Mike Wise pointed out, when considering the cost of carbon as compared to
the perceived benefits, it's much simpler to replace it on a frequent basis.
His example of using dye as a monitor would cover enough generalized cases
that it would serve as a very useful "rule of thumb" type of indicator if it
would ease your private concerns...


David A. Youngker

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