Andrew, This method may be fine for the first week of free swimming but I wouldn't imagine they will grow in this environment. It will take about 4-6 months (in a proper rearing tank with filter plus regular water changes and feeding) before your Altispinosa attain the size required by a LFS. Helen >but what my LFS shopkeeper >does - and he has lots of apistos - with his fry is this: he makes a >container out of a 'tupperware' type rectangular dish, cuts holes in either >end and covers them with mesh, and glues styrofoam on the outside edges. >Then he floats it in the tank the fry were born in, and puts them in there. >Same water, but no fry-for-lunch. Easier to feed and keep track of, too. > Any thoughts on this method? I'm using it for my guys, they seem to be >doing well. The main reason I'm doing it, though, is that I really don't >have the space or time right now for another tank to raise them in. Maybe >after I raise these guys and trade them in... <daydream> > cheerios >-andrew ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email Search for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!