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Dither fish

Hello Jerry
The term you were looking for is dither fish.  These are any fish added
to a tank with a pair of cichlids or whatever to be kept to cause the
bonding effect to be stronger.   

With Apistos you can keep some species of tetras or killies or even
peacefull barbs to use as dither fish.   I actually prefer not to use
any type of dither fish.   Not that I don't have tanks that I've got
extra male killes or some pretty tetras in with my pair of Apistos, I am
not trying to spawn that pair at the moment.   

Dither fish aren't bad to keep with your pairs, just avoid any type of
catfish (cory, pleco, that sort of fish) as they might go after the eggs
or even newly hatched fry as a night time snack.

John Wubbolt

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