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Re: Ictio, help!

Simone Vicini wrote:

> Hi everybody on the list,
>                                     I'm watching right now a pair of german
> blue rams guarding eggs, I bought them five days ago and they got sick in 24
> hours, I tried with methylen blue (sp?) 0.3 ml/liter (1% solution), but they
> keep developing white spot, the temperature is 29 °C.
> I really don't know what to do, I knew methylen blue as a solution for
> Ictio, I don't know other threatments.

I have always considered Methylene Blue too "gentle" to be effective against Ich.
With eggs and/or fry in the tank, I don't recommend any medication. Fortunately,
Rams can handle temperatures higher than those that promote Ich. I would
personally raise the temperature 2-3ºC higher, increase the air flow in the tank,
and change about 10-20% of the water daily. You should have no Ich by the end of
the week.

> Can you please help?
> Thanks a lot
> Bye
> Simone Vicini
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