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water again

for a couple of years, I've used an old killie trick, keeping a 33
gallon half full of Canadian garden peat, adding 140ppm, pH 7.4
tapwater, and 24 hours later having tea coloured, pH6.8, 50ppm water.
But I need that tank for my cf. juruense, and tried a different tack. To
the dollar store I went, for a $1.00 two pack of knee-highs. Stuffed
with boiled peat and hung down in a dark corner of the tank, these ugly
suckers have taken water down to 70ppm in 24 hours, although the pH is
stable. I don't have a conductivity meter, and shamefully work with
reagent tests, but one sock holds very little peat. These are impressive
results. I'd appreciate comments from the 'water' gang on the list, as
it seems too good to be true.

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