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Re: Old Posts


Mia Culpa and 50 lashes with a whip-tailed pleco. I should have learned by now
never to trust every thing that's in writing.

As for the Apisto Study Group, like every other volunteer organization, you get
out what you put into it. The all volunteer staff has limits to the time it can
put in. The ASG publicizes information by experienced dwarf cichlid hobbyists
that you will be hard pressed to find anywhere else. (Suppose, God forbid, that
the ASG decided to set up a mailing list like this one and all of its experienced
members responded only to other ASG members. How many of the respondents on this
list do you think it would lose? How much information would not be available?)
Discounted d.c. related aquarium books and supplies, a list of people with
similar interests, and yes, members access to almost 900 different references on
dwarfs, many hard-to-find are only part of what we now provide that nonmembers
would find hard, if not impossible, to duplicate. In the next year we should have
a species list going that shows who keeps and/or breeds what d.c.; an active
species maintenance program; beginning and advanced slide programs about
maintaining, breeding, identifying, and recently introduced species of dwarf
cichlids. There has been talk of having on line chat rooms and even on line
programs. All of this will take time, money, and people. The ASG, like all such
organizations, could use a lot more of each. Instead of people complaining about
a glass being mostly empty, we need people ready to fill it to the top.

Mike Wise

"David A. Youngker" wrote:

> From: Mike Wise
> Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 10:10 AM
> >> Search http://altavista.digital.com for
> >> "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!
> >
> > The last sentence will lead you to old posts.
> When's the last time anyone actually *tried* this rather than simply quote
> it?   ...   And even the ASG's site contains nothing more than references to
> its
> officers and offers for subscriptions. So retrievable information isn't even
> possible from the group *dedicated* to the fishes' study (which, other than
> the occasional mag, makes one wonder just what benefits are to be gained by
> membership)...
> -Y-
> David A. Youngker
> nestor10@mindspring.com
> http://www.mindspring.com/~nestor10
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@listbox.com.
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