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Re: Curviceps laid eggs!

Chris & Paula wrote:

> Ok, its not an apisto, but its a dwarf :) I
> picked up seven new Curviceps last wednesday and
> already have a bunch of eggs on a flat rock.
> Nice little round cluster.  A male and female
> paired up within 24 hours but then just in the
> last 24 hours a new male took over.   Anyways, I
> think the eggs are somewhere between 20 to 6
> hours old.  Just wondering if anyone has breed
> them and how long it takes for Curvicep eggs to
> hatch and if it varies much? Curviceps take care
> of the fry right? Oh, also one of the Curviceps
> has a light red strip parallel to the black line
> running from head to tail.  Is this a pretty
> common color variation?

This is what has been called the red form of
Laetacara curviceps. I had pairs of it many years
ago. It was never as common as the normal blue
form. I don't even know if they are a separate
color population or just super colorful specimens
within the species. I do know that my fish (mostly
males, but some females showed a few reddish
scales) kept the red stripe for as long as they
lived. Once the fry become freeswimming the
parents turn a deep chocolate brown. The red
stripe shows up well even at this time.

Mike Wise

> This happens to be the potential father.  None
> of the others has it and I noticed it when I
> first got them before they started to color up.
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