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Re: More common goals

>Am I wrong in thinking this? Yes or no? If no, what _alternative_ vision do
>_you_ have to offer / put forward for the group's consideration?

You were wrong in thinking this. See previous e-mail.

A lot of discussion has occured over
>whether or not our use of the term "aquascape" is limited to "our"
>definition, as "aquatic gardeners", of that word, or is this event to be
>open to "other" definitions/visions as well.

This is the kind of stuff that drives me crazy. Why worry about this so
much? If we agonize over every definition of every term... <sigh> 

>Keeping in mind the focus of the AGA, but attempting to balance that against
>the reality of both the English language and the practice of most aquarium
>hobbyists, I suggested that perhaps we attempt to "include" everyone in this
>event. This would mean, when carried to its logical conclusion (logical in
>my mind anyway) that this event be open to "aquascapes" of all kinds. 

Fine ... for the next time. This time it's planted aquariums. Let's keep it
straightforward and simple.

>PLEASE help in deciding these two issues. I don't wish to hear snide remarks
>or off topic points being discussed right now. I am taking this effort very
>seriously and want this to be a success.

Those are my views.

in Vancouver

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