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James wrote:

>The cheapest route is to concentrate on people who are accessible via the
>Internet. E-mail costs us nothing other than the time to track down the
>addresses. We can have available via the web a whole package of publicity
>material which we can point people to on the web. If they are a store owner
>and they wish to help they can print the material up locally.

We (the Boston AS) have found that an 8 1/2x11 flyer with a nice design
mounted on a slightly larger piece of colored posterboard (we use half
sheets) makes a very eye catching display if people want to go to the extra
effort in their own area, or for a favorite pet store.

In response to David Engle:

This group can present the proposal any way they see fit.  What _I_
objected to monetarily were some of the LARGE and completely uncapped
expenses that were being proposed to be built into the program.  $1000 is
_not_ a "few hundred bucks" in my mind, and there was no guarantee, the way
things were being proposed that that would be a CAP on the project.  Some
of the costly parts are being toned down again now.

I do _not_ see this project as an effort by AGA to _gain_ new members.
While new members are always welcome, one of the reasons we have the
problems we have (many of which are actually very close to being solved...
TAG is in the mail and back on track) is that we have grown in general
membership SO fast, while the number of WORKING members has not increased

I see it more as a fun opportunity to offer to our current members.  If
non-members want to play too, that's fine.  I'm really not that concerned
about impressing those of you who don't see the value of the organization
anyway.  Everyone is welcome to their own opinion.  I happen to feel that:

1.  The organized hobby has a _lot_ to offer individuals.  It has done a
lot for me, and I participate now as a way of giving back
2.  AGA _is_ the _only_ non-local organization even trying to meet the
needs of aquatic gardeners
3.  It is almost always preferable to work with and improve the structure
that is there than to tear it down and try to start again
4.  Those who are not willing to participate, don't get much say ;-)

In response to the comment about $5 being a lot of money in many parts of
the world... Do you think this is a third world economy hobby?  Do you
think that the 3rd world person who invests his family's whole annual
salary into his aquarium has the excess left over to also own a computer
with Internet access? (assuming that his village has electricity and
telephone lines)  Or do you intend to let him know about the contest via
your flyers dropped in by airplane?  What about the camera and film to take
the pictures?  The cost of developing them and mailing them from another
country? (assuming his village does _not_ have Internet access) Let's be
honest here.  If you can afford to be taking part in this conversation, $5
is _not_ going to put a big dent in your finances.  

Of course this contest will not be of global interest.  If you're
struggling to feed your children you most likely have more important ways
to spend your time as _well_ as your money.

Dave V. writes:

>I probably should have made myself more clear.  I'm saying that I MAY (I
>will check into it tonight) be able to get a limited number of posters (<
>50) made for the cost of materials.  Say $50.  That's all I was saying.
>Let's not get into a big discussion about it until I have talked to my
>friend and we have figured out how much money the rest of this venture will
>cost.  I'm just suggesting that a nice poster at an aquarium society meeting
>could be an effective reminder for some folks.

Dave, it's a wonderful idea.  But remember that even if we're _only_
talking about distributing posters to aquarium societies, there are I
believe, 24 clubs in the North East Council alone.  And the North East
Council covers _only_ New England plus the eastern edge of NY and NJ.

Dave replied to James:
>This may be true, but maybe just a reminder (a "suggestion" or a guideline)
>to people that since the judging will be done anonymously we do not want any
>text on the pictures.  I'm just trying to think of potential stumbling
>points here.

I think that's a great way to handle it.

Dave V, wrote:

>"Space, the final aquascaping frontier."  

I kinda like it... It would probably get top marks for viability ;-)

>ADA is a for-profit company (corporation?).
>If Mr. Amano wants to do something like this, he will do it himself (or have
>his minions do it <g>), he won't want to rely on a rag-tag bunch like us
>(whoa! nobody get offended there! just a joke! well, okay, I guess we're a
>little bit rag-tag <g>).  

You are quite right.  As a matter of fact ADA already _does_ sponsor an
on-going aquascaping contest for the readers of Aqua Journal.  But the
judging is based _completely_ on the design principles set forth by Amano.
The rest of the world doesn't even count ;-) (and of course, you have to
fork out $100 per year to subscribe to the magazine to be eligible)

>$50 for posters (sorry, couldn't resist)
>$20 for judge's CDs
>$200 for ribbons
>$80 for certificates
>$50 for shipping (probably not an accurate figure, I know)
>and no certificates of participation in this case
>(note that I have left out prizes and the CD selling venture here as those
>will, theoretically, pay for themselves)
>I think the AGA may be able to cover the costs.  ($400)

Of course I can't answer for the AGA as a whole, but that is a figure that
I would not be afraid to present to them.

>HOPES that they will make it back in either entrance fees, new
memberships, or both.  

Remember that new memberships will _not_ make up for the costs of the
contest.  Those new members will need to be serviced, just like our current
membership.  There is very little left over of our annual dues after
production of the magazine.  We have not raised our dues in _many_ years,
and printing and postage costs don't stand still.  We still charge only $15
annually for membership.  

In all, though, thank you for a refreshingly reasonable post!

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