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RE: One thing we forgot..... Cost estimate for Judge's gifts

James P wrote: I would like to have some input from you ALL as to which you
think might be
appropriate [gifts] and some discussion as to the cost ....

Ken G. writes: I would think that finding appropriate gifts for judges with
varied interest and tastes would be a very difficult thing for us to
coordinate. I think it would be appropriate if we gave them gift
certificates that they could easily redeem. Or, we could actually give them
cash or a check for their efforts.

Of course, if we went with gift certificates or cash, we would still have to
come up with how much we should give them. According to the last budget
figures I saw, we didn't have a lot of money left over after the other
expenses (assuming that the AGA is not going to foot all the bills).
Regardless, I would think that a gift certificate or a check for $100 for
each of the judges would be appropriate.

Ken Guin
Arlington, VA

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