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PDF Files


Had email problems here at work last night, so I didn't get to send this
message out.  James and I are in the process of editing the TAG doc, but the
poster and blurb should be done (let me know if that's not the case, James).
I will be publishing the up-to-date versions out on my Web page.  Erik was
right about the URL before (I screwed it up).  Again, the correct URL is:


You will find links there to the latest PDF files.  When I make a change, I
will replace the existing file and make a note that it has been updated
(from now on, promise).  This should eliminate the multiple-document
confusion if you go out and use what is published on the Web site.

One note here, the TAG PDF file will be changing again (that's the 9-page
document that is complete with guidelines and entry/release forms).  I'll
send out another message to the list when we get the TAG file cleaned up.


Dave VanderWall
Minneapolis, MN
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