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Re: AGA Tax Status

Erik wrote:
"Well, the truth of the matter is that the AGA is still very much in the
early stages of filing for tax-exempt status.  We may have this process
complete by the time the contest closes, but not yet.  We will simply have
to politely decline these particular companies."

"FWIW, we get a few of these with our local club's annual solicitations as
well, but they are very much in the minority."

This is truly a shame. Hopefully, I can decline in such a way that should
the tax status required be obtained prior to our November 30th announcement
of the winners, we can go back to the company and ask again.

Having worked for the Canadian Tax aruhotities for 15 years, I know more
than a little bit about the hoops an organization is required to jump thru
in order to obtain this type of tax status and it can be a lengthy process.
I suspect that it would be just as convoluted in the U.S.

But Poly Bio seems to be hinting that because they sell to the U.S.
Govermnent, some sort of restrictions are in place regarding who else they
sell to or give their products away to. Honestly, I think this is bunk - its
a water filter, not a nuclear reactor. I hardly think it likely that the
U.S. Government would feel it necessary to place restrictions on a water
purification device which is sold openly at retail and via mail order over
the web.

I think that due to the cost of the item, Poly Bio merely wants to make sure
that they can deduct the donation from their corporate bottom line at Tax
time. If I was there accountant, I'd probably feel the same way.

Unfortunately....... I think that we might find a lot of high end items
treated in this manner, and thus unavailable to us as prizes. It really IS
urgent that the AGA obtain this tax status.

James Purchase

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