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Re: Ribbon Cost

I see what you mean Don (and Erik) regarding the actual number of ribbons
that we would need. I also really like the idea of combining the other three
classes into single categories (regardless of tank size), due to the number
of entries in each one. This would lessen the number of ribbons required.
This would reduce the number of ribbons required from 38 (36 for win, place
and show + best of show + people's choice) down to 20 (18 for win, place and
show + best of show + people's choice).

This cuts down on the cost, but not as much as you might think. Here are the
estimated costs from the Proposal:

38 Ribbons ($2.00 each)                   $ 76.00
Set-Up Cost                               $ 10.00
Design Cost                               $ 25.00
Padded Mailing Envelopes ($2.00 each)     $ 76.00
Mailing Cost ($2.00 each)                 $ 76.00
                      Total               $263.00

20 Ribbons ($2.00 each)                   $ 40.00
Set-Up Cost                               $ 10.00
Design Cost                               $ 25.00
Padded Mailing Envelopes ($2.00 each)     $ 40.00
Mailing Cost ($2.00 each)                 $ 40.00
                      Total               $155.00

Please keep in mind that the Set-Up and Design costs is the same regardless
of the number of ribbons ordered and the mailing tube and shipping costs are
estimates. I have no intention of traipsing all over Toronto looking for the
cheapest padded envelopes I can find - my local postal outlet carries what I
intend to use.


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