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Conflicts of Interest

Just so that we are all clear from here on in......now that the Contest has
closed and until such time as the Judges have reviewed all the entries and
passed their results back to either Erik or me, I have a request to make.

For the next little while we shall be discussing topics such as the possible
combining of classes, (where few entries have been received in some classes)
and the allocation of Prizes to the various eventual winners. I would
appreciate it if anyone wishing to contributing to these sorts of
discussions state right up front whether or not they have entered the event
as Contest Contestants.

I do not want there to be even the slightest HINT of conflict of interest in
this event and I hope that you all feel the same way. If you stand to gain
personally from something under discussion I suggest that you stay OUT of
that particular discussion.

Thank you,

James Purchase

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