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Re: finances

Don wrote:

"There's a slight problem w/ this though Erik. In the Natural category there
are only 4 entries. Now IF we combine the divisions in the Natural category
then SOMEONE is going to feel cheated out of a prize in that category. If we
left it alone then everyone will be happy in that category."

Please go check out the published "Contest Guidelines" (on the web site).
I've put the words I want to emphasis in ALL CAPS.:

Contest entries shall be sorted for judging into divisions of like
divisions are:

Aquatic Garden
Natural / Biotope Aquascape
Artificial Aquascape

Within each division, aquascapes will be sorted by size, as follows:

Small (15 US Gal. & Under / 60 L & Under)
Medium (Over 15 US Gal. - Under 75 US Gal. / Over 60 L - Under 285 L)
Large (75 U.S. Gallons & Over / 285 L & Over)

There will be a MAXIMUM of 12 separate Classes, per the above.

So, we are well within "reasonable" limits to combine those categories which
haven't gotten many entries. This section of the guidelines were written
this way specifically to handle a situation like this (I don't think I ever
promised to make EVERYONE happy).

The only people who won't be tickled PINK about the way we end up doing this
will be those whose sole motivation for entering was to win a prize. Please
refer once again to the event web site, this time read the Welcome message
that Erik posted this morning:

"This event is first and foremost about the sharing of ideas and our mutual
love for the hobby of keeping aquariums. The organizers would like to thank
each and every person who made the effort to enter and take part in this
endeavor. You are all winners in our eyes."

James Purchase

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